So tonight my youngest boy broke the crib bracket on his bed!
Nice, haha not really! He doesn't stay in his big boy bed so we keep him in the crib (he still has not attempted to climb out yet) But now what? Sooo, I go searching on the lovely world wide web and luck be a lady ;) what should I find? Storkcraft did a recall on the brackets on cribs made between May 2000 and November 2008. ha ha! mine was AUG 06!
Sooo I've filled out the forms soo they should be sending out replacment brackets at no charge!
But when? That is the question.... I really hope it's sooner than later he's already up 3hrs later than he should be and won't sleep. ~~sigh .... yawn~~
"Out of approximately 4 million brackets in the field the CPSC is aware of 10 incidents of cracked or broken brackets (one similar incident reported to Health Canada). The consensus of the experts and Stork Craft is that if the brackets are subject to extraordinary stress during inappropriate assembly, such as bending brackets back and forth, metal fatigue can occur and weaken the brackets. The experts conducted additional testing whereupon they deliberately did not follow the assembly instructions, abused the brackets by bending them back and forth under significant pressure then tested the crib brackets to ASTM standards. The crib (brackets) still passed, in fact to 4 times the ASTM standards. "
Take a look at your cribs' matress board check to see if it a Storkcraft. Even if your brackets have not broken, get the replacements! Better safe than Sorry!! Follow the linked quote to fill in your request for replace brackets!
ummm I've got pictures to prove they're not sooo safe!!!
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