Monday, August 10, 2009


Sooo I broke my glasses. Yup! snapped 'em right in half and was using duck tape to hold them together... BUT... today got some super glue. Thank Gawd someone invented this stuff. And looky what I found neat a 4 pack of single uses the same price as the single tube. So I bought it and glued my plastic frames back together...
Now I did go to the place where I first purchased my glasses and would you believe they refused to tell me what my perscription was!?! yup they said "well we'd want you to have another eye exam" I don't want another eye exam sheesh! some peoples children anything to get more money outta ya.
So, now I not only hafta pay for another eye exam (hmmm I wonder if they are now covered under the new alberta health care lmao) but hafta pay over $300 for the new frames and what ever else it cost for my lenses... no wonder lens crafters has a payment plan available!
pst... you can get coupons at Lens Crafters on line to print out too.

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