Monday, August 31, 2009


That don't stain !??
Gotta get me some of these.. um i mean the kids .. gotta get the kids some of these..

Friday, August 28, 2009

Siksika Pow Wow

Well weather reports showed rain all weekend but we went anyways.
And you know it was clear to set up and we got a nice spot (higher ground)
Set up all four tents around our screen tent. even had a little hallway. Which was great for those late night bathroom trips.

The kids all danced and we ate flank and fried potaoes and even had a dry day sunday to pack up.
Once i figure out how to convert and edit a .mod to fit here then i can upload an amazingly cute video...

stay tuned

StorkCraft - followed thru

Well i'm impressed to say the least.
Storkcraft did infact ship the replacement parts.
I recieved them waaay eariler than the esitimated time too.

way to go storkcraft !!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Storkcraft - recall update!


I sent off the recall replacement bracket request form on the 17? they shipped the 19th. est date of delivery by fedex the 21st!

They gave me the tracking number via e-mail today!

I'm impressed way to go Storkcraft for honouring your word.

And I'm one thankfull mother of a 2yo, who was woken up by his screaming because he hit his head on the door handle, on the door to his room, last night cuz he got scared because he wasn't in "his bed"


enough money within her control to move out
and rent a place of her own,
even if she never wants to or needs to...
something perfect to wear if the employer,
or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...

a youth she's content to leave behind.....
a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to
retelling it in her old age....
a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra...
one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who lets her cry...

a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family...
eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems,
and a recipe for a meal,
that will make her guests feel honored...

a feeling of control over her destiny...
how to fall in love without losing herself..

how to quit a job,
break up with a lover,
and confront a friend without;
ruining the friendship....

when to try harder... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...

that she can't change the length of her calves,
the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..
that her childhood may not have been perfect...but it's over...

what she would and wouldn't do for love or more...
how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it...

whom she can trust,
whom she can't,
and why she shouldn't take it personally...

where to go...
be it to her best friend's kitchen table..
or a charming Inn in the woods...
when her soul needs soothing...

What she can and can't accomplish in a day...
a month...and a year...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Stork Craft Crib RECALL!!!!!!!

So tonight my youngest boy broke the crib bracket on his bed!
Nice, haha not really! He doesn't stay in his big boy bed so we keep him in the crib (he still has not attempted to climb out yet) But now what? Sooo, I go searching on the lovely world wide web and luck be a lady ;) what should I find? Storkcraft did a recall on the brackets on cribs made between May 2000 and November 2008. ha ha! mine was AUG 06!
Sooo I've filled out the forms soo they should be sending out replacment brackets at no charge!
But when? That is the question.... I really hope it's sooner than later he's already up 3hrs later than he should be and won't sleep. ~~sigh .... yawn~~

Take a look at your cribs' matress board check to see if it a Storkcraft. Even if your brackets have not broken, get the replacements! Better safe than Sorry!! Follow the linked quote to fill in your request for replace brackets!
ummm I've got pictures to prove they're not sooo safe!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Camping as a family of five

Yupe you read right we're a family of five actually 7 when the older brothers visit. But I've always wanted a BIG family and no... i'm not mormon!

So throughout the years we've acumulated tents! yes tents! we've got 5 of them maybe more lmoa... but each year we seem to need a bigger one ~sniker~ now we have a 6-8man tent that will work with the playpen and car seat (baby girl likes to sleep in it) and a queen blow up matress and a possibly another twin blowup (if it will fit) otherwise he gets the ground cushions.

I've put together a few tips;

1) First we set up a ground tarp (edges folded under otherwise your just collecting the water between the tent and the tarp. This way the tarp is protecting you from the ground mositure)

2) Set up over head tarps, you can never get to it fast enough if it does end up raining. Preventative preparation is key with a family with small kids. During a downpour your thinking of getting the kids in the tent rather than putting up the tarp.

3) Prepare as much of the meals at home as you can.
  • wrap the potatoes in tinfoil (unless you have children old enough to help at the campsite)
  • Mix dry ingredients for bannock in a big ziplock bag. (just add water at campsite)
  • Marinade meat in ziplock bag and freeze (added cooling agent in cooler)
  • Bring instant oatmeal packs (or make your own in ziplock bags)
  • Break eggs into one of those personal water bottles (not pop bottles) (the eggs are easier to transport and they will stay whole and pour out- but famlies mainly eat scrambled anyways)

4) Always have boiled water on hand.... (helps with cleaning wounds and baby formula)

5)If you can afford it get two way radios for the kids. this way you know where they are and can check up on them without packing up the younger ones to go look.

Here is the Camp fire Bannock recipe I use :

in a large freezer ziplock bag add 4 cups flour, 4 tsp of baking powder, and 1/2 tsp of salt. Mix dry indgrediants and add water to form a somewhat sticky dough. Now we don't make it all at once just take out some bannock mix into bowl add water and leave rest for later supper bannock. We wrap it around the hot dogs and kids love it.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Wow between 10pm and 2am. Wish it wasn't too late, maybe I'll take the kids to go watch for a bit at prairie winds

Monday, August 10, 2009


Sooo I broke my glasses. Yup! snapped 'em right in half and was using duck tape to hold them together... BUT... today got some super glue. Thank Gawd someone invented this stuff. And looky what I found neat a 4 pack of single uses the same price as the single tube. So I bought it and glued my plastic frames back together...
Now I did go to the place where I first purchased my glasses and would you believe they refused to tell me what my perscription was!?! yup they said "well we'd want you to have another eye exam" I don't want another eye exam sheesh! some peoples children anything to get more money outta ya.
So, now I not only hafta pay for another eye exam (hmmm I wonder if they are now covered under the new alberta health care lmao) but hafta pay over $300 for the new frames and what ever else it cost for my lenses... no wonder lens crafters has a payment plan available!
pst... you can get coupons at Lens Crafters on line to print out too.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jean birdies

Came across these little beauties and guess what I'm gunna recycle my jeans into now LOL yup jean birdies!!
I first cut the template out onto cardboard to make it easier to trace out onto jeans and here's my first step
Stay tuned for more or follow me to see how this turns out ....

My puzzle ball

Another project inspired by the above. But made by recycling Jeans !! I thought about using that fannel again but this is going to be a baby toy sooo nope!! First things first I cut out 12pcs of 3 different coloured jeans = 36pcs.

I will update more later as i go along...

stay tuned or click to follow my progress on this project...

Girls Hair Ties

My niece gave me these feathers and beads thinking of Marlee girl and suggested I make her hair ties for her pow wow outfit... I figured why not.. Here are the results.
Not bad if I do say so myself.

recycled jeans into baby dress

There I was with an itching to sew and not knowing what to sew soo I stared at thee ole jeans and decided a baby dress!

First I just cut the pant leg off across (closest to the crotch) and then to the knee

Then cut the top part with the back a little longer... to be able to go over the shoulers

Then did a hem around the top and bottom of jean

Sewed on a strip of that fannel i still have, added buttons

volia! instant baby dress made from recycling jeans

Friday, August 7, 2009

hat making

Okay soo I got the sewing bug right now :)
And I made this reversible hat using recycled jeans and some fleece I got at VV Boutique (3 yards at least for 3.99!!) inspected and washed, so I bought it what a steal.

The pattern was from a blogger Petchy.
Now because the pattern was sized for a toddler. I did a 5/8 seam allowance but that made it too small for any room to grow for winter.
So then made it again with a 3/8 seam allowance and it looks a little big but it's perfect for room to grow this winter. It looks thick/puffy but it's not. I could do a straight stitch around the edge but don't think my needle would make it through 4 layers of jean in the corner seams!!

Now to make a matching bib OoooOoo and a dress hmmm ideas ideas and soo little time

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The joys of potty training

My little man is starting to potty train himself. Now this is funny, why? you ask. You see he's 2 years old and will yell out "POOP" where ever he is, when he has to go. So lets set the situation shall we?

In Value Village picking out books (great deal .99 cents for kids books and buy 4 get 1 free) and my little guy starts kicking his feet yelling at the top of his lungs "POOP" "POOP" "POOP"

I nearly dropped all the book I was holding it was sooo funny. I looked around and there was this little ole lady about to soil her depends!

I look around to find an employee to ask to use the bathroom. She says, get this, "Nope we can't let you use them they are too dirty" huh? soo you let your employees use them?

Luckily he had a pull up on. AND never went "POOP" in his pants!

And So It Begins

I've desided to blog. But what about you ask? Well, just like the title "Moasic World" it's going to be a spicey, sentual, love it, hate it and work it out walk through my life.
Why Moasic? it's because I dable in soo many different things that I couldn't leave anything out. That just wouldn't be the full me experience.

I've got to run around and check on the kids right now be back later to start blogging *giggle* I'm soo excited.

~wondering if there are other people just as moasic as me?~